Adventures on Mermaid Reef

Summer loves the water! Over the course of the winter, Summer has become a confident snorkeler, so much so, that she doesn't want or need her life jacket any more when we go snorkeling. This became clear the other day when we took the girls snorkeling on Mermaid Reef with our friends on s/v Free Spirit and s/v Sea Sleigh.
Mermaid Reef is located on the northern side of Marsh Harbour.
The reef is in shallow water and is visited by hundreds of boats each year. Fish are everywhere and snorkelers enjoy feeding them so they are big and friendly. Summer was so excited to see the fish that she wanted to get rid of that life jacket and start swimming down to say hi to them. Check out the video below and come along with us as we explore Mermaid Reef!
If you are looking for Mermaid Reef, you can find it here.